Skylark Hrafna'st

Basic Information

Age: 29
Race: Roegadyn, Sea Wolf Clan
Name Day: 13th Sun of the Astral Moon
Guardian: Llymlaen, the Navigator
Height: 7'4"
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship: Single
Profession: Gunbreaker, budding Red Mage
Hobbies and Interests: Dancing, Monster Hunting, Bird Watching, Weaving, Dyeing, Sailing, Art, [REDACTED]
Personality: Calm, polite, jovial, strong, stubborn, uncertain


Skylark's life began in a world far from the shores of Eorzea. Through circumstances most unusual, she was pulled from her home and thrust into the Source with barely a scrap of memory to keep her connected to the life she left behind.Seeking to find meaning behind the interference, the Roe traveled before finding her way to the country of Doma. Despite the presence of the Empire, she managed to build connection and considered the new land to be home. She learned the art of combat and quickly discovered a love for the craft.When the occupation of Doma began to become dangerous, she managed to escape with a band of pirates to the shores of Eorzea. Upon reaching the Waking Sands, she made her way to Limsa Lominsa where the sea faring countrymen welcomed the Roegadyn with open arms and raucous laughter. The familiarity of open waters and rambunctious company provided her with a means of comfort in the chaos that was her life. Here she remained, honing her skills to the point where she carved out a life to call her own.She utilized the strength she accumulated over the years by thrusting herself into various tasks ranging from bodyguard to pest control. She took great comfort in "bashing through walls" to silence the faintest voice in the back of her mind calling her to remember. But why should she return to a life that holds no meaning? Why not remain here where she has found herself? Why not simply forget? After all, whoever she was back then... she was gone. Now she was Skylark and that's all that mattered.

History - WoL edition

From a young age, Skylark was drawn to the sea. She was never quite sure if it was the Sea Wolf blood in her veins longing to feel the unique rush of chasing after the horizon or simply an innate sense of wanderlust. Whatever the reason, the Roegadyn took to the ocean as soon as she could control a sail.Years passed while she fed into this desire, encountering many strange things and crafting memories from her sweat and tears. She soon came to learn of her great strength, making good use of it to protect those who traveled alongside her. Eventually the rising storm over Eorzea called her back to Limsa where she soon found herself swept into the chaos. During this time, Hydaelyn called and she answered.Now as the Warrior of Light, Skylark found a different pleasure in carving the legend along the winding roads. Her might solidified the new title and she became quickly overwhelmed with how many people knew her...or knew of her. The fame swirled around her like a fog, feeding into her desires for more.Until the fame turned sour. Betrayal, separation, and even death soon caught up to the Roe and she felt the weight of the world threaten to crush her. But she was strong. She always had it to rely upon. So she dug and pushed harder, finding limits to tear down and overcome. Even so, it never has felt like enough. The fear of loss keeps her from truly resting. Some day...she will learn...

ooc information

RP Session: Yes
ERP Session: Yes
ERP Session Length: 1-3 hours, but can be negotiated
Server and World: Crystal, Mateus
Timezone: Mountain, typically after 4pm
If you see me running around in game, don't be afraid to say hi as I love meeting new people. If you would like to roleplay with me, please ask via /tell. I sometimes need a bit of a heads up so I'm not caught off guard.If you would like to contact me outside of FFXIV, my Discord is MarshmeloNCocoa#7855. Be sure to tell me who you are and how we’ve interacted. Otherwise I will likely delete the message if I don’t recognize you.